May 25, 2017
Dear Friends,
The Florida Legislature wrapped up a very productive 2017 Session, and I am honored to have been able to represent the constituents of District 120 in Tallahassee once again this year. We were able to accomplish a great deal on behalf of all Floridians and I believe the work we did this Session will continue to move our state in the right direction.
Enclosed in this newsletter, you will find highlights of the budget and several bills passed by the Legislature. As always, please feel free to contact me if I may be of assistance to you or your family.
Holly Raschein
State Representative, District 120
2017 Post Session Update
2017-2018 Budget Highlights
One of the most important things we do each year is pass a budget. This year, we have once again produced a budget that is balanced and what I believe is fiscally responsible. As I see it, the budget prioritizes our state's critical needs while leaving $3.2 billion in reserves to prepare Florida for the future. For a more detailed look at how the budget affects residents of District 120, click here.
Tax Cuts (HB 7109)
This year, the Legislature passed measures to return $180.3 million to Floridians through tax cuts. This means more money in the pockets of students, families, business owners, homeowners, and many other Floridians. The tax package includes a reduction in Florida's business rent tax from 6% to 5.8%, a 50% discount in property taxes to certain multifamily projects that provide affordable housing to low income persons and families and the elimination of the tax on feminine hygiene products. It also includes a Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday (June 2-4) and a Back to School Sales Tax Holiday (Aug. 4-6).
Water Resources (SB 10)
The House and Senate worked together this session to pass a vast Everglades restoration bill. The bill expedites the design and completion of a water storage reservoir south of Lake Okeechobee with the goal of limiting polluting discharges off of Florida's east and west coasts while increasing the availability of clean, fresh water moving south and into Florida Bay. The southern reservoir project will be completed in conjunction with other crucial restoration projects of benefit to Florida Bay including the C-111 Spreader Canal, elevating segments of Tamiami Trail, and other infrastructure improvements previously authorized under the Central Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) and Central Everglades Planning Project (CEPP).
Vessels (HB 7043) Sponsored by Rep. Raschein
This bill incorporates many of the findings from the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission Anchoring & Mooring Pilot Project. In working on the bill, Rep. Raschein brought stakeholders from the state and local level together with representatives from the boating community to help create more uniform standards for anchoring and mooring statewide. It addresses anchoring vessels in proximity to mooring fields and boat yards, gives local governments the authority to require proof of pump-out when a vessel has been anchored/moored more than 10 consecutive days, and provides additional tools to deal with at-risk and derelict vessels.
Laboratory Screening (HB 1041)
Sponsored by Rep. Raschein
At the request of the Department of Health, HB 1041 makes several important screening/reporting updates. The bill aligns department lead reporting and newborn screening results with federal regulations and national standards and clarifies that HIV testing is conducted in the same way that 102 other reportable diseases are conducted. It also allows the public health laboratory to perform laboratory testing and billing for other states.
Victims of Alleged Sexual Harassment (HB 397)
Sponsored by Rep. Raschein
This bill creates an exemption from public records for any information related to an allegation of sexual harassment that could lead to the identification of an alleged victim who is a state employee The exemption helps reinforce that victims are safe to report instances of sexual harassment and promotes a reporting environment that is open and free of retaliation.
Prohibited Insurance Acts
(HB 1007/HB 1009) Sponsored by Rep. Raschein
Insurance fraud raises the costs of insurance for all Floridians which is why both HB 1007 and HB 1009 were priorities of Florida's Chief Financial Officer, Jeff Atwater. These bills create uniform anti-fraud standards for all insurance companies doing business in Florida and give state investigators the resources they need to track trends related to fraud. It also requires any judicial circuit who receives state funding to fight insurance fraud report data relating to the use of those funds to ensure state dollars are being utilized in the most effective way possible
Craft Distilleries (HB 141)
Rep. Raschein was Prime Co-Sponsor
For craft distillers like those in District 120, HB 141 allows the sale of up to 6 individual containers of each branded product directly to consumers (existing law allowed only 2 bottles). This is a small but important increase in the number of bottles craft distilleries can sell and will help distillers better meet customer demand, grow the industry and the local economy, and benefit small family farms that provide citrus, corn, sugar cane, and other ingredients.
Legislation Regulating Uber/Lyft
(HB 221)
This bill provides statewide standards for transportation network companies like Uber and Lyft. Technology has changed how people travel and this bill helps Florida to better utilize new technologies and foster greater competition while creating industry regulations including background-checkand insurance requirements that protect consumers.
Contact Us
District Offices:
(305) 453-1202 phone
(305) 453-1204 fax
99198 Overseas Highway, Suite 10
Key Largo, FL 33037
(305) 242-2485 phone
43 North Krome Avenue, Suite 202
Homestead, FL 33030
Capitol Office:
(850) 717-5120 phone
209 House Office Building
402 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, Fl 32399
Local Students Take Part in Page & Messenger Program
It was my pleasure to invite three students from District 120 to take part in the House Page & Messenger Program this session. Students were selected based on essays submitted to my office. Patrick Roesser of Key West
Jamison Klettheimer of
Ramrod Key and
Sandra Ballard of Key West
Current Committee Assignments
- Natural Resources & Public Lands Subcommittee (Chair)
- Appropriations Committee
- Government Accountability Committee
- Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee
- Agriculture & Property Rights Subcommittee
- Tourism & Gaming Control Subcommittee
Trauma Star Air Ambulance
Monroe County operates an emergency air-ambulance helicopter called Trauma Star. Trauma Star is jointly operated by Monroe County Fire Rescue and the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department.
Trauma Star is based in Marathon and is staffed around the clock to be ready for launch at a moment’s notice. Trauma Star’s primary mission is to provide emergency helicopter transportation for individuals who are critically injured either by natural causes such as heart attacks or stroke, or by other causes such as a vehicle crash or criminal action.
Trauma Star’s response is initiated through the emergency 9-1-1 system, and the helicopter often times will land at the accident scene to provide the quickest response to qualified medical facilities in south Florida.
Monroe County Residents
As a resident or property owner of Monroe County, you have the option of requesting Trauma Star for air ambulance transportation and you may qualify for a waiver of the out-of-pocket costs related to air-transport fees as per Resolution No. 188-2015. The application form for the resident fee waiver can be found here. If you qualify for the resident fee waiver, Monroe County will continue to seek reimbursement from any private insurance companies, but any remaining unpaid fees would be waived and there would be no out of pocket expenses.
Types of Transports
If you have a severe auto accident or suffer any severe trauma, Trauma Star will fly you from your location directly to a Level One Trauma Center in approximately 45 minutes from anywhere in the Keys, including the Dry Tortugas.
If you are having a heart attack or brain attack (stroke) and call 9-1-1, Trauma Star will fly you from your location directly to a fully staffed cardiac or stroke treatment center on the mainland.
There are no trauma, therapeutic cardiac, or neurosurgical service centers within the Florida Keys.
In addition to the primary mission of providing critical trauma-related transports, Trauma Star also assists local hospitals by providing hospital-to-hospital transfers. If you are at an area hospital and require a critical care interfacility hospital transport, you or your representative can request the services of Trauma Star through the hospital staff (provided you meet the State of Florida interfacility transfer guidelines).
Transportation Services
Monroe County Trauma Star is committed to providing the highest quality air ambulance transport care. Trauma Star is staffed with highly-trained flight nurses, flight Firefighter/Paramedics, and helicopter pilots. Hiring requirements exceed industry standards and Trauma Star’s safety record is exemplary.
The twin engine Sikorsky cruises at 150 knots, making it the fastest rotor craft in the Florida Keys. The Trauma Star helicopter is fully configured to carry two critical patients, and the Trauma Star program has been recognized by the State of Florida and the FAA as professional and fully compliant with all regulatory standards.
For more information about Trauma Star or the Resident Fee Waiver Program, contact Monroe County Fire Rescue at (305) 289-6010
Turtle nesting season officially begins on March 1 and runs until November 1. Remember to make sure that your lighting conforms to the Village Ordinances. Also remember that any chairs, boats, equipment, etc need to be off the beach at night. Make sure that your guests know as well!
Pasta Signature Gallery Opening
In a venture with Russell Post, the Islamorada artist known as Pasta, has opened a gorgeously rennovated gallery at Ocean Sotheby's. There was a large group of attendees at the opening and there is a brilliant new collection of paintings by Pasta now on exhibit.