This website is sponsored by the Lower Matecumbe Beach Property Owners Association, a voluntary organization dedicated to the promotion of the common good and general welfare of the homeowners in our community. We are proud of the residential setting that Iroquois and Sunset Drives offer to our residents and we encourage your ideas and opinions to help make our community a better place to live in.

Garbage Pickup Information

Residential Pickup Schedule

View or download the Printable Residential Pickup Schedule (PDF).

Please set your items within six feet of the pavement by 7 am for pickup on your scheduled day. Containers may be placed at the curbside no earlier than one day preceding the scheduled collection day and shall be removed from the curbside no later than 8 pm on the collection day (Village Code Chapter 46, Section 40).

Bulk Waste -Call to Schedule (305) 393-3300

Bulk waste pickups are scheduled daily and serviced within five working days of request. Call or email Island Disposal to request a special collection. There are no fees for the pickup of household items such as furniture, appliances, and rolled carpeting (in 6-foot wide pieces). Fees apply for construction debris, automotive debris, and bulk vegetative waste.

Islamorada's Automated Residential Service Provides Carts for Household Solid Waste Removal

  • one (1) blue top blue cart for household waste/trash.

  • one (1) yellow top blue cart for household recyclable items.

  • Trash and recyclable items placed in any other receptacle will not be removed.

$75 fee for an additional trash cart; $25.00 monthly fee for each disposal. No fees for additional recycling carts.


Dear Homeowners,

Turtle season begins April 15. Time to switch to your turtle friendly lights. Remember even if your house is not on the beach but lights can be seen from the beach you need to have the appropriate lighting. Below please find a few helpful links to light bulb and lighting options as well as the information that the Village emailed out in case you did not receive it. Amazon has a lot more options than the one link that I included here.

Please remember to tell any guests or renters that you may have about the regulations for lighting, beach chairs and equipment!

Cathy Langston
